

The 1st International Software Quality Week/Europe Technical Program is reviewed by a distinguished International Board of Advisors listed below. Advisory Members are chosen for their expertise in software testing and software quality issues and for their contributions to the software quality field. Quality Week seeks a balance between industrial, government, and academic backgrounds. In view of the international aspect of the conference has included members from many countries throughout the world.

All papers at QWE'97 are reviewed by a majority of the Advisory Board. (Board members own paper submissions are reviewed "blind".) Paper selections are based on QWE'97 Advisory Board technical content and presentation evaluation scores.

A brief biographical sketch of each Advisory Board member is also given. Email access or reference to each Advisory Board Member's home page (when available) is also given. Updated 29 October 1997

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Dr. Boris Beizer, Software Engineer, Analysis, USA (Technology Chair)
Prof. Fevzi Belli, University of Paderborn, GERMANY
Mr. William Bently, Bayer Corporation, USA (Tools and Solutions Chair)
Prof. Gilles Bernot, University d'Evry, FRANCE
Dr. Antonia Bertolino, CNR-IEI, ITALY

Mr. Robert Binder, RBSC Corporation, USA (Management Track Chair)
Dr. Juris Borzovs, University of Riga, Riga, LATVIA
Ms. Rita Bral, SR/Institute, USA (QWE'97 Conference Director)
Mr. Gunther Chrobok, DLR - Oberpfaffenhofen, GERMANY
Ms. Annie Combelles, Objectif Technologies, FRANCE

Mr. Dirk Craeynest, OFFIS nv/sa & K.U.Leuven, BELGIUM
Mr. Thomas Drake, Booz Allen Hamilton (BAH), USA
Mr. John Favaro, INTECS Sistemi, Pisa ITALY
Dr. Istvan Forgacs, Hungarian Academy of Science, HUNGARY
Dr. Mario Fusani, CNR-IEI, ITALY

Dr. Hans-Ludwig Hausen, GMD, GERMANY
Prof. William Howden, University of California, San Diego, USA
Dr. Guenter Koch, Synlogic, AG, SWITZERLAND
Dr. Peter Liggesmeyer, Siemens, GERMANY
Ms. Cecilie B. Loken, Ericsson, NORWAY

Dr. Edward Miller, Software Research, Inc., USA (Program Chair)
Dr. John Musa, Independent Consultant, USA
Dr. Tom Ostrand , Siemens Corporate Research, USA
Prof. Leon Osterweil, University of Massachusetts, USA
Dr. Antonio Serra, ASIC s.r.l., ITALY

Dr. Jacques Vandenbulcke, K.U.Leuven, BELGIUM
Dr. Erik van Veenendaal, KEMA & TUE, NETHERLANDS
Prof. Pierre Wolper, Universite' de Liege, BELGIUM
Prof. James C. Woodcock, Oxford University, ENGLAND
Dr. Otto Vinter, Bruel & Kjaer, DENMARK (Vendor Track Chair)

Here are brief biographical descriptions of each QW'97 Advisory Board member. Email access information and a hotlink to each members personal home page is included where known.

Dr. Boris Beizer, Software Engineer, Analysis USA
(Technology Track Chair)

Dr. Boris Beizer received a PhD in computer science from the University of Pennsylvania in 1966. He has written twelve books, ranging from system architecture to his well-known pair on software testing -- Software Testing Techniques and Software System Testing and Quality Assurance -- both considered standard references on the subject. His latest book is Black Box Testing, an introduction to testing technology. He directed testing for the FAA's Weather Message Switching Center and several other large communications systems. He has been a speaker at many testing conferences and is also known for his seminars on testing. He consults on software testing and quality assurance with many organizations throughout the world.

Prof. Fevzi Belli, University of Paderborn, GERMANY

F. Belli: M.s., Ph.D., habilitation at the Technical Univ. of Berlin (Computer Science). Present position: Professor at the Univ. of Paderborn, Dept. Electrical and Electronics Engineering. System analyst with the GMD (German Research Institute for EDP) in Bonn and software engineer with a software house in Munich (about ten years) before becoming a full professor for programming and software engineering. Faculty member until 1990 of the Univ. of Maryland, European Division. Major interests: Handling software faults thru constructive methods, testing, fault tolerance, etc. Author of approx. 100 papers published in international technical/scientific journals, conference proceedings, etc. and 6 text books. Editor of the series "Constructing Complex Programs", published by an international publisher. Consultant with several companies, including in-house seminars on software validation, software construction, etc. Program chair, general chair of several international conferences on software fault tolerance, software reliability, etc. Member of the Presidium (exec. board) of the German Assoc. for Informatics until 1995. Member of technical scientific advisory board of several companies.

Mr. William Bently, Bayer Corporation, USA
(Applications Track Chair)

Mr. Bill Bently is a Member of the Q.A. Software Staff at Bayer Corporation, a world leader in production of medical diagnostics products. Mr. Bently is interested in how advanced software technologies can be used for attaining the high levels of quality necessary in critical applications. He is the developer of the advanced form of software testing known as Cd testing, which has been the subject of several papers he has presented at Quality Week. His latest paper pioneered a new direction for software testing theory and research; the development of a theory of test efficiency.

Prof. Gilles Bernot, University d'Evry, FRANCE

Gilles Bernot is Full Professor of Software Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Evry, France. Currently head of the research team on ``Formal Specifications and Program Transformations'' in this University (created in 1992, 12 researchers).

He studied Mathematics at the University of Orsay, Paris 11, until 1984, and then studied Computer Sciences until his PhD in 1986. He has been researcher at LRI (Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique) in Orsay during the year 1986-1987, working on the ESPRIT BRA METEOR. From 1987 to 1992 he worked as Maitre-de-Conferences at the Ecole Normale Superieure of Paris (ENS Ulm). During this time he was member of the research teams on Formal Programming Languages (CAML) at ENS Ulm, and on Programming and Software Engineering at LRI. He got his habilitation in January 1992 at the University of Paris 11, and became Full Professor at the University of Evry in September 1992.

Gilles Bernot is currently a member of the management team of the French national ``GDR de programmation'' and has been and is still involved in many European ESPRIT projects about formal specifications of software and hardware. He is involved in several French industrial projects using formal specifications of hardware or software systems. He also heads a subgroup on "testing software features" in the ESPRIT Working Group FIREworks.

He has published approximately forty scientific articles in the areas of algebraic geometry, software engineering, software testing from formal specifications, formal specifications and specification methods.

Dr. Antonia Bertolino, CNR-IEI, ITALY

Antonia Bertolino graduated cum laude in Electronic Engineering at the University of Pisa in 1985. Since 1986 she has been a researcher with the "Istituto di Elaborazione della Informazione" of the Italian National Research Council (CNR), in Pisa. Her research interests are in software engineering and dependability. Currently she is working at approaches for estimating and reducing the cost of debug testing techniques and at methods for the evaluation of software reliability. She is an associate editor of the Journal of Systems and Software.

Mr. Robert Binder, RBSC, Inc., USA

Robert V. Binder has over 22 years of software development experience. He is President of RBSC Corporation, providing consulting and training in software engineering and software process improvement since 1984. He is author of "Application Debugging" (Prentice-Hall, 1985). "Testing Object-Oriented Systems" is under contract with Addison-Wesley. He writes a regular column on testing for Object magazine. His articles have appeared in American Programmer, Communications of the ACM, Computerworld, CASE Outlook, CASE Trends, Database Programming and Design, IEEE Computer, Journal of Knowledge Engineering, Journal of Software Testing, Verification, and Reliability, and Software Development. He is the of Chair a newly formed study group to develop an IEEE standard for built-in test for object-oriented software. Mr. Binder has an MS in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from the University of Illinois at Chicago, and a BA and MBA from the University of Chicago. He is an IEEE Senior Member, a member of the ACM, and holds the CDP and CCP.

Dr. Juris Borzovs, University of Riga, Riga, LATVIA

(Biographical Sketch To Be Supplied.) Dr. Juris Borzovs Born in 1950 in Finland. Cand.comp.sci. from Inst. Math., Academy of Science of Belarus in 1989, Dr.sc.comp. from Univ. of Latvia in 1992. Currently Director of Riga Information Technology Institute and Head of its Software Testing Lab, Docent (CS and SE) with Univ. of Latvia and Riga Techn. Univ., Latvia. Over 100 technical papers in software testing and software engineering. Member IEEE, IFAC, ISACA, balloter for SE standards with Computer Society, IEEE, vice president of Latvian National IT Standardization TC, founder and president of Latvia chapter, Information Systems Audit and Control Association, vice president of Latvian IT Terminology Commission, member of Task Force for Latvian National Programme on IT.

Ms. Rita Bral, SR/Institute, USA
(QW'97 Conference Director)

Rita Bral is Executive Director of SR/Institute, the sponsor of the Quality Week conferences, and VP/Promotion at Software Research, SR/Institute's parent company, a role she has fulfilled since 1990. At SR she has been responsible for SR's promotion effort, for technical seminars, publicity, and trade-show activities, and has had major impact on TestWorks documentation and collateral technical material. Ms. Bral holds an Agrege in Pedagogy, University of Ghent and Licentiaat in Roman Philology, University of Ghent, Belgium.

Mr. Gunther Chrobok-Diening, DLR-Oberpfaffenhofen, GERMANY

Gunther Chrobok-Diening is with DLR, the German Aerospace research establishment. His current interests are testing object-oriented software and test process improvement. He has been developing numerical simulation software. He holds a degree in Applied Mathematics, University of Kaiserslautern and a degree in Meteorology, University of Hannover.

Ms. Annie Combelles, EVP/Technology, Objectif Technologie, FRANCE

Annie Kuntzmann-Combelles is Executive Vice-President of Objectif Technologie, a company she set up in 1989 with the main strategical targets of assessing/mastering and improving software process. Annie Kuntzmann-Combelles is largely involved in software process assessment and improvement based on business goals. She is also reviewer for the European Union Information Technology programme and has been chairing the IEEE Advisory Board over 1994 and 1995 and she is Vice Chair of the COMPSAC 96 conference to be held in Seoul next August. Her main interest is SPI (she is actively participating to the ISO/SPICE project), measurement and object-oriented requirements and design. She has been giving dozen of seminars and training on SPI and quantitative software management based on the ami method. She is a graduate of the Ecole Nationale Superieure de l'Aronautique et de l'Espace in 1973.

Mr. Dirk Craeynest, OFFIS nv/sa & K.U.Leuven, BELGIUM

(Biographical Sketch To Be Supplied)

Mr. Thomas Drake, NSA/Software Engineering Applied Technology Center

Thomas Drake is a management and technology consultant with Booz Allen & Hamilton, Inc. He is currently on assignment with the National Security Agency working as a senior technologist in their Software Engineering Applied Technology Center. He manages this Center's Software Quality Engineering initiatives. As part of an industry and government outreach/ partnership program, he holds frequent seminars and tutorials covering code analysis, coding practice, testing, software project management, and best current practices in software development.

Mr. John Favaro, INTECS Sistem, Pisa, ITALY

John Favaro is with Intecs Sistemi in Pisa, Italy, where he is Technical Coordinator of the European Space Software Development Environment Reference Facility Project, whose aim is the convergence of environments supporting the principal projects within the European Space Agency. After spending two years in Paris with CIT-Alcatel and INRIA working in the area of software engineering environments and telecommunications, he then worked from 1982 until 1990 at Industrial Informatics and Siemens AG in Germany in the fields of software engineering, robotics and telecommunications, where he was a member of the NATO industrial advisory group on standards. During this period he was a member of the Ada Environments Working Group of the Commission of European Communities. His principal current technical interest is the economics of information technology, particularly software reuse. He is European co-chair of the IEEE Technical Subcommittee on Reuse, and is European Chair for the Fifth International Conference on Software Reuse in May 1998. Mr. Favaro has an M.S. in Electrical Engineering and Mathematics from the University of California at Berkeley and a B.S. in Computer Science and Mathematics from Yale University.

Dr. Istvan Forgacs, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, HUNGARY

Istvan Forgacs received the M. S. degree in electrical engineering from Budapest Technical University in 1980. His research interests include program testing and maintenance, debugging and flow analysis. He has published about 20 technical articles. Now he is a senior research associate of the Information Research Group, Hungarian Academy of Sciences. He received the Ph.D. degree in computer science in 1993.

Dr. Mario Fusani, CNR-IEI, ITALY

Mario Fusani joined the Italian Research Council (CNR) in 1973 as a researcher at IEI-CNR, Pisa, Italy. His current activity is concerned with quality systems, standards for software quality, and software applications certification.

Dr. Hans-Ludwig Hausen, GMD, GERMANY

Hans-Ludwig Hausen holds degrees on Electrical Engineering and on Computer Science from the technical University of Berlin and is currently a Senior Researcher at GMD German National Research Center for Information Technology. In the last 20 years he got experience as project manager, consultant and lecturer on CASE, Quality Engineering, Software Process Programming, and on Conformance Testing in national and international projects. Based on that experience he has written more than 60 publications on software engineering environments, software quality and productivity, process engineering and on CSCW for software projects. H. is a member of programme committees of IEEE and ACM special interests groups, a contributor to international standardisation bodies, including ISO and IEEE, and an expert advisor to national and European government.

Prof. William Howden, University of California, USA

Dr. Howden is a professor of Computer Science at the University of California at San Diego. He has worked in the area of program testing and analysis since 1975, with the publication of his paper on symbolic evaluation and automated test data generation. His work in the area includes material on fault based testing methods, functional testing, and the use of comments in systematic program analysis. His recent work includes the development of analysis tools for a real time and Ada programs. His book, Functional Analysis and Program Testing, emphasized the use of broad spectrum functional testing, in which tests are used that exercise each of the functional components of a program, including those from specifications and design. He has also done an analysis of statistical testing methods, and published work on models which describe how methods combine to produce a cumulative improvement in fault detection and reliability prediction.

Dr. Guenter Koch, Synlogic, AG, SWITZERLAND

Dr. Peter Liggesmeyer, Siemens, GERMANY

Dr. Liggesmeyer is a Project Manager at Siemens Corporate Technology in Munich, Germany. His research interests include safety and reliability analysis techniques for technical systems and quality assurance of embedded software. Dr. Liggesmeyer received the diploma in Electrical Engineering from the University of Paderborn in 1988. Prior to joining Siemens in 1993, he was a research assistant at the University of Bochum, Germany, where he completed his doctorate in Electrical Engineering in 1992. He received the 1993 software engineering award of the Gesellschaft fur Informatik for his dissertation on software testing. Dr. Liggesmeyer is the author and editor of four books about software testing, analysis, and verification. Since several years, he is also a lecturer for software quality assurance at the University of Bochum.

Ms. Cecilie B. Loken, Ericsson, NORWAY

Cecilie B. Loken is Assisting Quality Manager of Ericsson AS in Norway. In Ericsson, she is responsible for internal quality training, subcontractor evaluation and performing internal audits. She has a strong focus on process improvement, using techniques and methods such as TQM, CMM, GQM, etc. She is a trained CMM assessor, participating in the Ericsson corporate-wide pool of CMM assessors. She is also a trained ISO 9000/TickIT auditor, and has participated in more than 15 TickIT audits.

She was three years with Det Norske Veritas (DNV) in Oslo as a Software Quality Consultant in the Space Department. She participated in several studies for the European Space Agency in the areas of software quality, reliability and safety. She is a founding member of the Norwegian ENCRESS club (European Network of Clubs for the Reliability and Safety of Software). In 1995/96 she participated in the ISO/SPICE project on Software Process Assessment and Improvement.

She was earlier employed for three years at the UNIX Competence centre of Bull SA in Grenoble, France, where she was involved in the implementation of telecommunication protocols under UNIX.

Ms. C. B. Loken has a Master of Science degree in Information Systems and Computer Science from the Norwegian Technical University (NTH), and two semesters post-graduate studies in Informatics at Ecole Nationale Superieure d'Informatique et de Mathematique Applique de Grenoble, France (ENSIMAG).
( etocbl@eto.ericsson.se )

Dr. Edward F. Miller, Software Research, Inc., USA
(Program Chair)

Dr. Edward Miller is President of Software Research, Inc., San Francisco, California, where he has been involved with software test tools development and software engineering quality questions. Dr. Miller has worked in the software quality management field for 25 years in a variety of capacities, and has been involved in the development of families of automated software and analysis support tools. He was chairman of the 1985 1st International Conference on Computer Workstations, and has participated in IEEE conference organizing activities for many years. He is the author of Software Testing and Validation Techniques, an IEEE Computer Society Press tutorial text. Dr. Miller received his Ph.D. (Electrical Engineering) degree from the University of Maryland, an M.S. (Applied Mathematics) degree from the University of Colorado, and a BSEE from Iowa State University.

Mr. John D. Musa, Independent Consultant, USA

John D. Musa is an independent consultant. He gives courses in software reliability engineering on a world wide basis. He has extensive experience as a software developer and manager. He has 21 years experience in software reliability engineering as one of the creators and leaders of the field, and was elected Fellow of the IEEE for his contributions. He has published over 80 papers and is principal author of the widely acclaimed pioneering book "Software Reliability: Measurement, Prediction, Application." He organized and led the transfer of software reliability engineering into practice within AT&T.
(John Musa's Home Page)

Prof. Leon Osterweil, University of Massachusetts, USA

Leon Osterweil is currently a professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Previously he had been a Professor in, and Chair of, Computer Science Departments at both the University of California, Irvine, and University of Colorado, Boulder. He was the founding Director of the Southern California SPIN. He has been Program Committee Chair of the 16th International Conference on Software Engineering, the 2nd Symposium on Software Testing Analysis and Verification, the 4th International Conference on the Software Process, and the 2nd Symposium on Practical Software Development Environments. He has also presented keynote talks at such meetings as CASE 92 in Montreal, and the Ninth International Conference on Software Engineering where he introduced the concept of Process Programming. He has consulted for such companies as IBM, Bell Laboratories, SAIC, MCC, and TRW, and is a member of SEI's Process Program Advisory Board.

Dr. Tom Ostrand, Siemens Corporate Research, USA

Dr. Thomas Ostrand is a Senior Member of the Technical Staff at Siemens Corporate Research. He is currently working on the design of test development environments for GUI-based software systems. He has worked in various aspects of software testing, including theory of testing, test generation algorithms, and dataflow-based coverage analysis. Dr. Ostrand is a Member of the Executive Committee of ACM SIGSOFT, and has been an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. He has also served as the Program Chair of the ACM Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis.

Dr. Antonio Serra, ASIC s.r.l., ITALY

Dr. Antonio Serra received his degree in electronic engineering from the University of Torino, Italy. Since 1990 he has been President of ASIC S.r.l., Torino, where he has been involved with software testing tools development. He is a consultant in software quality and software engineering for many important companies, especially in military and space applications. His main research activity is in graphic pattern recognition, software analysis and software testing tools.

Prof. Dr. Jacques Vandenbulcke, K.U. Leuven, BELGIUM

Jacques Vandenbulcke is Professor at the Department of Applied Economics of the KU Levuven (Belgium). He teaches several courses in the field of management informatics. He is the author of several books and technical publications, including a book on database systems (Databasesystemen in de praktijk, zesde editie, Kluwer Bedrijfswetenschappen, 1997). His research interests include database theory, data warehousing and data mining, and component based development. His is co-founder of LIRIS, the Leuven Institute for Research on Information Systems. He is president of SAI (a Belgian society for computer professionals) and vice-president of PICS BELGIUM which is an affiliate of APICS (the American Production and Inventory Control Society).

Dr. Erik van Veenendaal, KEMA & Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)

Dr. Erik P.W.M. van Veenendaal CISA has been working in the IT-industry since 1987 carrying out assignments in the field of quality assurance, project control, EDP-auditing and software testing. After having fulfilled a number of management positions at a leading Dutch IT quality consultancy company, he is currently, as manager Research & Development at KEMA Nederland bv, responsible for and involved in a number of European projects within the area of Software Product Quality. At the Eindhoven University of Technology, Faculty Technology Management, he is involved in lecturing and carrying out research on test management. He is a joint author of "Testing According to TMap".

Dr. Otto Vinter, Bruel & Kjaer, DENMARK

Otto Vinter received his Masters Degree in Computer Science from the Danish Technical University in 1968. He has given public seminars, been associate teacher for BSc. level education in Computer Science, and is a active participant in Danish software-knowledge exchange groups. He is currently responsible for CEC sponsored projects at Bruel & Kjaer to improve the development process. In this position, he has also been active in defining software engineering standards, procedures, and methods to be employed at Bruel & Kjaer. He has been the driving force in the company's transition from procedural programming to Object-Oriented development. He has managed software development projects for 25+ years; with Bruel & kjaer from 1986, before that with the Danish branch of Control Data Corporation, and with Regnecentralen.
(Dr. Otto Vinter's Home Page)

Prof. Pierre Wolper, Universite de Liège, BELGIUM

Pierre Wolper is Full Professor of Computer Science at the University of Liège (Belgium). He received his PhD from Stanford University and his undergraduate degree from the University of Liège. His current research interests include algorithms and data structures for the verification of reactive systems, temporal logics, and temporal databases. He promotes the idea that algorithmic analysis tools that can automatically check that software satisfies a set of required properties (for instance model checking) are both feasible and valuable, at least for some classes of systems such as process control software. He was a participant in several European (ESPRIT) projects devoted to algorithmic verification and has served on the program committee of many conferences on this topic, most notably the CAV'97 (Computer Aided Verification) series of conferences.
(Prof. Pierre Wolper's Home Page)

Prof. James C. Woodcock, Oxford University, ENGLAND

Jim Woodcock is the Reader in Software Engineering at the University of Oxford. His research interests include safety and security in computer systems, programming methodology, and technology transfer into industry. In 1992 he led the team that received the Queen's Award for Technological Achievement for work with IBM UK Laboratories. He continues to work closely with different companies around the world, giving them access to the leading edge of research and teaching in Software Engineering.