QWE2000 Session 2T

Mr. Tom Hazdra & Lubos Kral [Czech Republic]

"Enhancing the Integration Testing of Component-Based Software"

Full Technical Paper in QWE2000 CD-ROM

Key Points

Presentation Abstract

Integration testing is one of the basic stages in the waterfall product life cycle model. It is widely understood as testing of combined parts of an application to determine if they function together correctly. In this paper we identify what we see as a life cycle of software integration testing activities and discuss its enhancements from the perspective of testing software consisting of functionally distributed components. Our contribution is based mainly on testing the application projects from the area of cardiological therapy and diagnostics that we are developing for Vitatron Medical. It also explores knowledge gathered on projects for other companies including Medtronic and Rockwell Automation.

About the Speaker

Tom Hazdra received MSc. in Computer Science from CTU Prague in 1993. He works as research fellow at CTU since 1996. His area of research includes Distributed Artificial Intelligence, namely the coordination issues in multi-agent systems, and the software diagnostics. Since 1995 he participated in various software testing projects for Rockwell Automation, Vitatron and Medtronic.

Lubos Kral received MSc. in Control Engineering from CTU Prague in 1993. He received PhD. in Artificial Intelligence and Biocybernetics from CTU Prague in 1999. He works as research fellow at CTU since 1996. His area of research includes intelligent robotics, namely the mobile robot navigation. Since 1998 he participated in various software testing projects for Vitatron and Medtronic.